
Showing posts from August, 2010

Utility cycling

The CR1Pro was my utility vehicle today. In the bleak, darkness of last night my alternator gave its last gasp and rolled over and died leaving me stranded in the wilds of West Cobb. Luckily for me I was able to limp my Ford Ranger to the Racetrac where I was to leave it for the night. From the Racetrac, it was 4.18 miles to my house to complete my journey; I elected to go by foot rather than making as late night call for a ride and after an hour of running and walking I was safe at home. Since my plan this morning was bicycle to my Ranger, then Walmart for a battery, then back to my Ranger and attempt a resurection, I aired up the CR1Pro to 110 psi, not my regular 120 psi. Although my Mavic Ksyrium Elites are pretty much bullit proof, with the additional battery weight of about thirty pounds in my backpack, I didn't want to overburden my wheels and tires with high air pressure. The ride to the Racetrac was very enjoyable, it would have been a great day to just contin...