Tour de W. Cobb
Well, Tiger putted out on 18 so I I ride.
I had a hard time getting going today and rolled out at 5:30 pm. There were other rides I could have joined this morning and enjoyed that "group ride thing" but, hey, some people have stuff that has to be done and I had many chores today.
So how was the ride? Well, pretty ordinary, same as many other rides on this route. This ride did feature a new piece of gear...I recently installed one of those light weight inner tubes on my rear wheel. In the bike shop I could tell the difference in weight between the regular tube and the light weight model. I remember someone telling me about reducing the weight of rolling mass, something about resistance Anyway, this is supposed to make me ride better...who knows.
I tried to maintain a steady pace and was doing pretty well at 17.2 mph through Mars Hill Rd. and onto Stillesboro but those hills on Stillsboro took a toll on me and the pace dropped. Rolled in with a 16.5 mph avg. over 26.55 miles. I hope to ride tomorrow, we'll see.
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